So Much Better!

Lu is feeling much better thankfully!  She had a great night-no waking up and she hasn’t had any medicine since yesterday morning at 8.  I took her into daycare today and she was so happy to be there.


I hope she does well all day.  Evidently there were only 3 kids there out of her class of 8 yesterday.

I got up this morning and did P90X.  I’m at the end of my 4th week and start a new phase on Monday.  For a home workout, this is great.  Tony Horton is like the Michael Scott of the exercise world so I get my little chuckles every morning with him.  I swear most of the people on that video just think he’s a douche but put up with it and laugh on the inside.  I think the only one that actually thinks he’s cool is Dreya Weber and she’s an interesting one herself.  Since I don’t have any mirrors while I workout and I’m staring at the TV with all these people with beautiful bodies I think it gives me body image issues in the opposite way.  I think I look like the them and then I look in the mirror afterwards and I’m sadly disappointed. HA!

Hopefully soon I won’t be disappointed-I’m working on it! I’m 1 pounds away from hitting the 30 pounds lost since having Lucy.  I gained a total of 35 pounds with her so that makes me happy.  I still have 25 or so to go. 

You know how yesterday Shaun was taking care of Lu?  Well I get an email titled “She really wanted to feed herself" with this picture:

photo (2)

I love it.  I love how she totally missed her mouth but got her forehead. She’s a silly girl.


Today I’m grateful that Lu is feeling better!

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