BOMB?!?! FIRE?!?!? WTH?!?!?!

That’s how I woke up this morning when my alarm went off at 5:30.  I had accidently set the alarm to “beep” and not “radio” and I seriously thought something was majorly wrong. Thankfully, the only thing wrong was that I had to get up that early. I so didn’t want to. But, thankfully, I did!  Boot Camp was so much better this morning and I’m very glad I went. 

There was one problem with Boot Camp-the upper part of the teacher’s (extremely well defined) butt was showing almost the entire class.  She had rolled her pants down a little too far (well a lot too far actually).   All the guys in the class were drooling which made me feel like I should have said something.  I wanted to say something for her sake (and mine), but I also didn’t want to embarrass her.  I didn’t say anything. Should I have?  Would you have?

I have to say-it was an impressive butt.

Sadly, coffee was needed again this morning.


That’s my “tall” soy latte filled to the top of my 16 oz cup.


Besides going to the gym, I also fulfilled another 20+10 goal.  My gas gauge said this:


And so I went and filled up:


Shaun will be so proud. And? It only took me 3 minutes.

I’m really struggling in 3 areas of the 20+10 challenge:

1. Cutting out dairy.

2. Losing pounds/inches

3. Talking nice to myself

1 and 2 are completely related and came to a head yesterday.  I know that I’m not going to lose pounds/inches in a few days but I also know that I have to make good food choices in order to lose the pounds/inches.  I was doing really well until yesterday.  Yesterday was a big FAIL in the food and dairy department.  I ate a cookie and a brownie. *sigh* Today will be better-it has to be better-my tummy is really mad at me.

As for number 3, I’m having a hard time with this and, to be quite frank, it’s the one I care the most about.  If I talk down to myself, then I will, inevitably, pass that on to Lucy.  That’s my worst fear in the world.  I said something on Tuesday and Shaun got really mad at me.  He told me that I wasn’t following my challenge.  I said “Well, I don’t have to be 100% perfect, right out the gate-it’s a process.”

He agreed with me except for that one point.  He insisted that I be 100% perfect about talking nice to myself starting now. He told me, “No one is allowed to talk about my wife like that. No one.”

It is getting better though.  I thought something pretty mean this morning and immediately thought “Well, you’re doing something about it-focus on that.”  Let’s hope I can keep it up.

Lastly, I am so excited.  At lunch I’m sending ALL OF THIS STUFF out!


Well, except the cuties 😉 I LOVE giving gifts and today I get to give many. YIPPEE.

I hope you all have a BEAUTIFUL day!

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