
…is something you need to be when you’re a working Mom.  I had plans last night of making stuffed cabbage but I had to stay at work later than expected so a quick chicken stir fry had to suffice.  Stuffed cabbage tonight!

I went to the gym again this morning.  I’ve decided that I really hate weight lifting.  My reason?  I hate staring at myself in the mirror.  It’s a good idea to look at yourself in the mirror while you’re lifting weights to make sure your form is correct but ugh I really don’t like what I see when I look in the mirror.  At least I’m working on it, right?

I’ve been making green smoothies every morning using some new protein powder that I got from my doctor.


It’s not cheap and it’s kind of chalky but it gets the job done.


In that bad boy:

-1 scoop protein powder
-2 TBSP ground sunflower seeds
-1 cup homemade almond milk
-~6 frozen strawberries
-~2 cups spinach

Since there’s nothing SUPER sweet in it, it kind of tastes like a savory smoothie.  Which sounds disgusting but really it’s not-I think it just takes some getting used to and, as I said above, it gets the job done.  It’s interesting.  I overall enjoy most everything I eat but I’m okay with just eating something if it is nourishing.  Is that weird?  Should I be striving to be excited about every meal?  I kind of like that I’m not stressing to LOVE every meal.  It means I don’t eat as much-ha!

As for the homemade almond milk, a lot of you commented yesterday on how brave I was to try it.  It’s REALLY easy.  I followed Tasha’s instructions.  With the addition of a nut bag, I think it’ll be REALLY REALLY easy.  It tastes really fresh and like almonds-big surprise.  It’s not quite as sweet as the milk you get at the store (even the unsweetened) but it has a LOT less ingredients-only 2-almonds and water.  And now I have almond meal!  I’m ready to try some soy milk and cashew milk!

Next up on my almond adventure? Almond butter.  I think I’m going to tackle that on Thursday. First I need to have some oats in a jar to clean out my almond butter jar and get it ready for some homemade action!

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