Tag: California

We’re Not in California Anymore!

December 2nd, 2010 — 8:36am

We woke up yesterday to this:


Over 8 inches of snow. We had to get Lu in her snowsuit just to get her out to the car.


All the schools were closed and I headed over to my sister’s house to work so that she could help watch Lu.



Look at the North End!


In true snow day fashion, we had to get out and play in the snow.  Doesn’t it look like fun?


Who is that man?


She cheered up once we started throwing snow at her?!?!?!  Weird kid.


See, Frosty isn’t so bad!




Tessa made a snow angel.


With a little help:



Isn’t it pretty?


Frosty thinks so.  Can’t you feel his excitement!?


Now that we’ve been having real winter weather-weather that is NOT NORMAL for Boise, I get asked a lot if I miss California and it’s “great” weather.  I can honestly say that I do not.  There is something SO RIGHT to me about four seasons.  Even though I grew up in California and only had 2 seasons (Cold/Rainy and Hot/Beautiful), I really love four seasons.  I think that the snow is beautiful and fun.  I’m a little miffed that it’s heating up today and getting to 40.  We’re getting rain-BOO! 

This snow has also made me realize that I really am my father’s daughter.  He loves watching the weather and SO DO I.  I drive my husband nuts with how much I want to watch the news and look at the weather online and on my phone. Weather is cool! Right?

Another thing that this weather has made me realize is that I really like to shovel snow.  A LOT.  My friend Megan (who just started an awesome new blog) describes it perfectly.

Anyway, that’s a very long winded way to say that I’m loving this weather and the thought of moving back to California does not sound appealing at all.

This looks like one happy family!


Ask me again in February…

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