Tag: food

I Forgot to Eat!

May 11th, 2009 — 12:09pm

Mother’s Day was FABULOUS! Wonderful, perfect, just great! I’m going to post more later tonight when I can do it justice.


I also forgot to eat lunch yesterday. Most people are probably thinking, “So, you forgot to eat, what’s the big deal?” but for me it’s a huge deal. I’m normally one of those people who is very concerned with when the next meal is and what I can have but yesterday I had breakfast at 9:30 and then I had a Mother’s Day frozen yogurt at about 2 and then at 7 Shaun said “We didn’t eat lunch-I’m starving.” I said “We didn’t? I don’t feel hungry. We really didn’t have lunch?” He got all excited and said, “It’s happening! You’re not as obsessed with food-this is a good thing. You should eat lunch but in the 5 years I’ve known you you’ve never forgotten to eat. We should write this day down.” It was really very cute that Shaun was so excited for me. I know that I need to eat lunch and I need to not forget to eat but the fact that it wasn’t paramount in my day was a HUGE DEAL. I just hope I’m not jinxing it by writing about it.

Okay, off to work!

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