Tag: health

Keeping My Eye on the Prize

October 22nd, 2009 — 12:21pm

There are two things in my life that I need to keep on top of in order for the big pay-off down the line. My health and my money. These two things almost always go hand in hand for me. When I’m on top of my health, I’m usually on top of my money-the one place this wasn’t true was when I was training for the Ironman. Wow does an Ironman ever drain your account!

Control in one area begets control in another area. I know I’m not the only one that is like this.

As I was walking to the train yesterday, I was thinking that if I can continue to make good choices both financially and health wise that I’ll be in a GREAT place a year from now. To be honest-I’m already in a great place-I love my life and feel so completely blessed but I will be in an even better place if I make the right choices now.

What are the prizes (other than the blatently obvious ones) do you ask ?

Health-once I’m at my “forever size” I’m getting a head to toe Mommy make-over. I’ve been saving for this since BEFORE Lucy was born. Out of each paycheck Shaun and I get a small amount that goes into our personal account for our own personal use. I’ve been squirreling away that money for over a year now and plan on hiring the very stylish people at Urban Darling to help me define my style and shop. I am VERY excited about this and can’t wait.

Money-We are OH SO CLOSE to being debt free (other than our mortgage). Once we are debt free so many options open up to us about our lifestyle. The possibilities are endless.
So? I’m keeping my eye on the prize!

And just to make you smile:

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