Tag: healthy

Will it EVER Wear Off?

July 8th, 2010 — 7:26am

My complete HIGH from our move?  I LOVE it here.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  I hope this feeling never goes away.

I went for my first run on Tuesday.  Here’s the trail that is literally 100 feet from my backyard:




I do have to start climbing some of the foothills once I get past about a mile but that’s fantastic too!

This trail also takes us to the park:


That’s about 10 minutes away, 20 minutes if Lucy is “walking”-i.e. picking up rocks, chasing butterflies (and saying “pretty butterflies”), etc.


I took her yesterday for my “lunch hour” and she was so cute.  She LOVED this fire truck and thought it was REALLY cool when the boys jumped in the back and she got to “drive” them.  According to the boys, Lu was Princess Leia.


In other ridiculously cute Lu news, she was home with me yesterday while I worked.  I was on the phone with my manager for my weekly meeting when she comes strolling out in this hat from my closet:


She picked it out and put it on herself-it totally matches.  She wore it for a good 45 minutes.

Like my living room? HA!  My sister is letting us borrow those chairs for right now and while I’m working, Lu has free reign, hence the bears, cd (we gave that one to her as a toy-no worries it does NOT go to the Netflix that you see in the distance), Netflix paper, etc. on the floor.

She has definitely hit the “terrible twos”.  WOW.  She’s awesome and sweet as always BUT can she ever throw a fit when she doesn’t get her way.  We NEVER give in, so I’m wondering when our persistence is going to pay off?  Hopefully it will!

It’s nice being home with her more often.  She does have a sitter that comes either to my house or my sister’s house but I see her SO MUCH MORE.  She is loving having a backyard and going “ow-sigh!!!”  We did sidewalk chalk the other day and she thought it was “Cool” to color outside.



Every night, before bed, she runs through the hose and get’s a “hose shower”.

We’ve also been eating outside almost everyday.  Our grill has already paid for itself!!!

Life is grand :)  I hope it NEVER wears off.

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Couldn’t Have Come at a Better Time!

October 1st, 2009 — 10:30am

I stepped on the scale this morning.  It’s the first time since I had Lucy that I’ve legitimately gained weight.  I basically went on an eating binge the last three weeks and I was rewarded with a 4 pound gain.  I’m sure I didn’t really gain 4 full pounds but it just reconfirmed my commitment to be healthy.  I don’t want my daughter to see me struggle with this.  I want her to see a healthy and happy Mommy.

I’m posting my weight on the internet for everyone to see.  I’m 5’2 and think that I look best right around 135.  When I’m 135 I’m a size 4 and look really great.  The scale this morning said 164.

I was 153.5 when I got pregnant with Lucy so that is my first goal.  I want to be below my pre-pregnancy weight and then I’ll set another goal.  11 pounds to go!

Here’s the food plan for today:
-Whole Wheat toast with almond butter and a banana (already ate)
-Oatmeal with figs and milk
-butternut squash, black eyed peas, and some grilled steak (I’m using some baby food (the squash) from the freezer since I haven’t had time to go to the store this week :)) )
-String cheese, apple, ryvita cracker
-Nuts and dried fruit (if needed)
-Chicken, brussel sprouts, and spelt for dinner

That’s a TON of food and really good food too. YOM.

I already put the spelt in the rice cooker and set the timer so it should be ready around 6.

I think my daughter is going to be one of those people that can eat whatever she wants and not gain weight.  I don’t want her to stuff herself full of junk food just because she can.  I want her to eat real, whole, good for you foods.  It’ll make her a healthier person, no matter her size.  It starts with me.

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I Forgot to Eat!

May 11th, 2009 — 12:09pm

Mother’s Day was FABULOUS! Wonderful, perfect, just great! I’m going to post more later tonight when I can do it justice.


I also forgot to eat lunch yesterday. Most people are probably thinking, “So, you forgot to eat, what’s the big deal?” but for me it’s a huge deal. I’m normally one of those people who is very concerned with when the next meal is and what I can have but yesterday I had breakfast at 9:30 and then I had a Mother’s Day frozen yogurt at about 2 and then at 7 Shaun said “We didn’t eat lunch-I’m starving.” I said “We didn’t? I don’t feel hungry. We really didn’t have lunch?” He got all excited and said, “It’s happening! You’re not as obsessed with food-this is a good thing. You should eat lunch but in the 5 years I’ve known you you’ve never forgotten to eat. We should write this day down.” It was really very cute that Shaun was so excited for me. I know that I need to eat lunch and I need to not forget to eat but the fact that it wasn’t paramount in my day was a HUGE DEAL. I just hope I’m not jinxing it by writing about it.

Okay, off to work!

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