Tag: new year’s resolutions

2012 Resolutions

December 31st, 2011 — 3:17pm

1. Stick with boot camp.

2. Buy clothes that make me feel good.

3. Save for a down payment on a house.

4. Stop being so snarky and judgmental.

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January 1st, 2011 — 7:29pm

I’m a big fan of resolutions.  Remember the 30 I made last year? I hit 23 of them.  I did not hit 7 of them.  Oh well, eh?

Even though I didn’t hit all 30 of my goals last year, I call it a success!  My personal growth last year was huge and I am in a much better place this year than I was last.  I’m so much happier and that’s what counts.

I think maybe it was a bit too ambitious to make 30 goals.  This year I have 3:

1. Love myself unconditionally.
2. Write in my journal EVERY day.
3. Train for and compete in the half ironman in June.
3. Do something active at least 4 times a week.

As a family we have one resolution:

1. Live lean and pay down as much of our debt as we can.  We can almost become debt free by the end of the year if we really put our mind to it.

Lucy has one resolution by the end of the year:

1. Get potty trained!

We’ve all already been working on these so I think they are doable!  Number 1 is going to be the hardest one for me but it’s worth the fight.

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