Couldn’t Have Come at a Better Time!

I stepped on the scale this morning.  It’s the first time since I had Lucy that I’ve legitimately gained weight.  I basically went on an eating binge the last three weeks and I was rewarded with a 4 pound gain.  I’m sure I didn’t really gain 4 full pounds but it just reconfirmed my commitment to be healthy.  I don’t want my daughter to see me struggle with this.  I want her to see a healthy and happy Mommy.

I’m posting my weight on the internet for everyone to see.  I’m 5’2 and think that I look best right around 135.  When I’m 135 I’m a size 4 and look really great.  The scale this morning said 164.

I was 153.5 when I got pregnant with Lucy so that is my first goal.  I want to be below my pre-pregnancy weight and then I’ll set another goal.  11 pounds to go!

Here’s the food plan for today:
-Whole Wheat toast with almond butter and a banana (already ate)
-Oatmeal with figs and milk
-butternut squash, black eyed peas, and some grilled steak (I’m using some baby food (the squash) from the freezer since I haven’t had time to go to the store this week :)) )
-String cheese, apple, ryvita cracker
-Nuts and dried fruit (if needed)
-Chicken, brussel sprouts, and spelt for dinner

That’s a TON of food and really good food too. YOM.

I already put the spelt in the rice cooker and set the timer so it should be ready around 6.

I think my daughter is going to be one of those people that can eat whatever she wants and not gain weight.  I don’t want her to stuff herself full of junk food just because she can.  I want her to eat real, whole, good for you foods.  It’ll make her a healthier person, no matter her size.  It starts with me.

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