We’re back! We had a blast but I’m so happy to be back in our own home, with our own routine, and…INTERNET. Wow-am I ever addicted. Five days with little or no internet was REALLY hard. Being with my family was GREAT though.
I have about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 pictures to show you 🙂
Our first morning started off with the two cousins having breakfast together. Lucy is 5 months older than Tessa but they are about the same size.
They were only that close for the pictures because they started stealing each other’s food.
After breakfast, we drove 2 hours to a lake town called McCall. The drive was beautiful! I was driving so there’s no pictures :( We met the rest of my family at the small airport in McCall-they had flown straight there. My two brothers, my sister-in-law, my soon to be sister-in-law, my 3 nephews, and my Dad were all there waiting for us. After we unloaded at the house my 2 brothers and I went grocery shopping for the week. Check out how much we spent!
That’s what 2 carts filled to the brim and beer will do to you!
That night, my sister made shrimp scampi, beef loin, and salad (YUM!) and we all hung out. My brother, sister-in-law, and 3 nephews hadn’t seen Lucy in a year so that was fun to catch up!
The next day everybody except my sister and me went skiing and the two girls hung out.
We also went on a hike in the snow, where we had to really bundle the girls up.
(Yes they can barely move-it was 8 degrees out!)
That night I made pizza bombs for 15 people! I didn’t get any pictures since I was working my ass off in the kitchen. They were a HUGE hit. I even got over my fear of yeast and made my own dough-it was delicious.
The next day, it was more skiing for everybody while the girls hung out again. That night, my soon to be sister-in-law Amy made us all a Filipino feast! We had chicken adobo, pancit, and long beans with ground beef-it was DELISH! All the cousins played again. Here’s 8 year old Luke with Lucy’s magna-doodle. He drew a picture of Lucy and Luke together.
Here are all the cousins (Lucy wasn’t so into the picture):
Our last full day in McCall we went to breakfast and then all took naps. Later in the day we went on a hike in the snow and went sledding. It was a blast!!!
My sister Lissa and Tessa:

Shaun and Lu:
My Aunt Kelly and Uncle Roger, who came to visit for 2 days, and their dogs, Bear and Bailey:
Lu in all her gear:
And then we went sledding!
Even I did it-it was SO FUN!
Even when I crashed…
Shaun dug it too:
Then my brother and sister-in-law went together:
And Lu got in on the action!
She was a trooper but a little cold by the end of it.
We woke up this morning to a few inches of new snow and it was continuing to come down. We were a little worried about being able to fly out but it went smoothly. My brother, very generously, offered to fly us home in his chartered jet.
It was QUITE the luxury! Not one that I think I’ll get ever again! It was really nice to not have to deal with security at the airport or the 2 hour drive to get there. Plus it meant I got to spend more time with my family.
Flying into the Bay Area, we got some fantastic views:
Aunt Sheri and Lu took some time for a self portrait:
And now we’re home! It was fun but I am SO glad to be back!!!