So What?!?! I’m Still a Rockstar!

Do you ever have a song that comes on and it just hits a nerve and gets you going?  Today in spin it was Pink’s So What? I didn’t lose my husband and I’m not going to start a fight but I’ve got a brand new attitude and I’m having more fun!  It was awesome.  I needed it too.  I got in bed at 10 last night and didn’t fall asleep until after 2 am.  Yes you read right, 2.  That means I got about 3 hours of sleep-isn’t that awesome?  But! I got up and I went to spin and it was GREAT!

Before class I ate this nanner with PB:


The cutie is for later.

After class I had half of the other half:


Lu saw me eating it and BEGGED for some, so she got half.  That girl LOVES her nanners.

I also made some juice!


I guess I was so excited to drink it that I couldn’t get all of the glass in the picture?  In that was a beet (including greens), half an apple, and a lemon.  That’s a drink that’ll put hair on your chest!

I put a ziplock in the pulp container:


So that I could easily store it for tonight’s dinner:


I’m going to make some veggie burgers and I think that will be a nice addition, plus LESS CLEAN-UP!  It worked really well.

So the goal for today is NO caffeine.  I think that Sencha tea I had yesterday at 11 aided in the insomnia last night.  I may be dragging later but hopefully that means I can get to SLEEP at a reasonable time tonight so that 5:30 is A-OK tomorrow.

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