Today is a BIG one. Today (and everyday) I’m thankful for BIKRAM YOGA! I finished my 60 in 60 today. Sixty classes in sixty days. It was amazing and I had my best class yet.
Yesterday I went out and bought my “reward” which is a new (and my first) Lululemon outfit. I got groove shorts and a pink top:

[source] [source]
I also got a new fittoes pink towel
It was really fun to indulge and reward myself for my hard work
I started class by going in early to meditate in the room. I wanted to make sure my mind was calm so that I could have a really good class. At first, I was so excited that my mind wouldn’t calm down but eventually it did.
Class started and I was extremely focused and getting really deep into postures. I think my back bend was the deepest I’ve ever done!
Every posture was going well and I was so happy. Yesterday, during Standing Bow Pulling Pose I got a really bad cramp in my right calf and it didn’t go away until late last night. I was unable to do some of my favorite postures yesterday because of the cramp so I was really worried that it would happen again today. I made sure to hydrate and when I would feel my right calf start to tense up, I would imagine that I was breathing right to that area. It worked! I even briefly touched my head to my knee in Standing Head to Knee (my ability NOT to is all in my head-I can totally do this but I always fall out the minute I think “I CAN’T do this”).
We get to the floor series and I’m just so happy. During the last belly down savasana, Courtney, the teacher asked me if I had gotten a new costume. I answered “yes.” She asked if it was a reward for something. I said, “yes”. She then told the class that I had completed my 60 in 60 and everyone clapped. It made me smile and reminded me why I love Bikram Yoga Boise SO MUCH. One of my teachers was practicing next to me and she gave me a little floor clap to let me know she was proud of me.
During Paschimotthanasana (Stretching Pose) I had my forehead touching my thumbs and Courtney asked me if I could do that at that beginning of my 60 day challenge and I answered “No.” Jamie, the owner of the studio, was also practicing and she said, “Chelsea has great proportions.” To which I replied, “That is the FIRST time anyone has ever said that about me.”
It’s true, my legs have always been a “hindrance.” They are incredibly short which makes cycling, running, and even swimming just a little bit harder. With a 27 inch inseam, by body and head is longer than my legs by 4 inches. I’ve always hated my legs but I’ve been consciously working on LOVING my legs through this journey and I was almost there. After that comment and after thinking about it some more, I’m there. I LOVE my legs. Who knew? Yoga is something where my legs don’t limit me!
During our final savasana the class cheered for me again and Courtney asked what the 60 day challenge had meant to me. I got choked up but answered: “I started the challenge with the goal of getting my pre-baby body back. Very quickly, I realized that it wasn’t about that. It was about the peace and acceptance it brought me.” Which got some applause 
Courtney then said some fabulously nice things about me including how my body has changed (it has!) and how it will continue to change. She then dropped off a shirt, note, and a pen and I got to sign the Challenge Wall!
(Crappy phone photo warning!)

It says: What will be, will be. Remember…YOU are beautiful! ~Chelsea Titus 3.3.11
This saying came to me about 2 weeks into my 60 day challenge. I was in the shower thinking about how skinny I could get doing Bikram. I stopped myself and said that. It’s been my mantra ever since.
So yes, I’m very thankful for Bikram, it has changed my life. I love my studio and all the friends I’ve made. The instructors and all the people who take classes are so encouraging and make me happy that I’m part of such an amazing community. I can’t wait to go to class tomorrow.

Bikram Yoga Boise
I did the Bikram Yoga Challenge
and all I got was…
A Better Body
Peace of Mind
Lower Blood Pressure
Stronger Core
6 Pack Abs
Reduced Stress
A Coconut Butt
Increased Flexibility
More Stamina
Increased Balance
Mental Clarity
…and a lot more!
in sixty days