May 19th, 2011 — 1:32pm
Today (and everyday) I’m thankful for dogwood trees! I had never experienced them until I moved to Boise and I’ve gotta tell you that they are the prettiest tree I’ve ever seen. In the Spring they EXPLODE with little delicate flowers. They can be white or pink. I particularly LOVE the pink ones.
Here’s some pictures I took of the one in our front yard this weekend.

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May 18th, 2011 — 12:02pm
I got my hair cut today:

I’m working on growing it out to this:

I wonder how long it will take?
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May 9th, 2011 — 12:08pm
A few months ago I sent Shaun some links to camera bags that I’d like for Mother’s Day. Last week, he emailed me saying that they were out of stock and asked if I wanted anything else. I told him that I really, truly don’t want anything other than a day with Shaun and Lu, some Lucy artwork, and to not cook. Yesterday I got all of that and more. Best Mother’s Day ever!
First, I got to sleep in and then we went to a few local nurseries to get supplies for the garden. After that we went to 13th Street Pub and Grill for a yummy lunch including a free mimosa and yummy bloody mary. We then had a (much needed) family nap followed by an afternoon in the garden. The night ended with a dinner out at the Ram. We were supposed to go to our friend’s house for Friend Dinner but they had to cancel. I told Shaun that we could just have leftovers but he said absolutely not and that we were going out. Okay then! It really was a nice family day AND my husband built me a trellis for me peas!
Evidently I had a hard time with the focus yesterday 

Look at that hand made trellis!

I also got some garden markers:

And Lettuce!

Last weekend we went to a native plant sale and Shaun terraced an area in the backyard for it. Here’s our native plant garden 

And the reason my day was so wonderful!

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May 6th, 2011 — 7:36am
I’m thankful for Lu’s School. Lucy learns so much and is so happy to see her friends every day. It really is awesome.
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