July 27th, 2011 — 6:27pm
I’ve been very absent from the blog-sorry! The last few weeks of work were insane and now I’m a free woman!!!! Can you believe it? No more Microsoft! Ever since being done with work I haven’t really been near a computer. Which is just…strange! I spent the last 8+ year in front of the computer for 8+ hours a day and now, nada. It’s very crazy. With my new job, I won’t be in front of the computer at ALL during the day so I’ll need to figure out if/when I’ll blog.
Also with the new job comes lunch packing. I’ll have to pack my lunch, Lu’s lunch, and Shaun’s lunch every day. I’ve been toying around with the idea of posting what I pack on a daily (or maybe weekly?) basis to give other Moms/Gluten Free/Wifes/etc. ideas. I have to see what my schedule shakes out to and then decide but right now, that’s the plan.
I can’t believe how BUSY I’ve been. The 3 weeks in between jobs was supposed to be like a Staycation but it’s been more like a Chorecation. I’m on the go and busy all.day.long. Craziness.
Oh and my house is falling apart around me-that doesn’t help. In the last month we’ve had 20 feet of sprinkler line replaced, our entire piping in our laundry room replaced (after 2 leaks), our refrigerator replaced (our old one just died-the butter was melting inside of it), and our A/C is broken. There’s a big gaping hole in my laundry room ceiling (from the pipe replacement) that needs to be fixed and another electrical issue that also needs to be fixed. Thank goodness we rent!
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July 19th, 2011 — 2:22pm
Father’s Day Camping:

“Breakfast” with the Lions at the zoo. We ate, the lions played:

Feeding the Giraffes:

On the plane to PA. Daddy got Lucy-fied:

Sticking stickers is serious business!



Caught up!
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July 14th, 2011 — 2:47pm
I’m thankful that I’ll NEVER EVER EVER have to travel for this job ever again! I’m done in 3 days and boy am I ready!
I had to go to Richmond on the tail end of my Pennsylvania trip and yesterday was supposed to look like this:
4 am-wake up
4:30 am-leave for airport
5 am-arrive at airport
6 – 7am- Flight to Chicago
9:45-12:45- Flight to Boise
1 pm HOME!
Instead it looked like this:
4 am Eastern Time-wake up
4:20 am-leave for airport
4:50 am-arrive at airport
5-7:30 am-watch as my flight keeps getting more and more delayed
7:30 am-get told that I’ll miss my connection in Chicago and the next flight isn’t until 12 hours later. Get booked on a Delta Flight (instead of United) that will take me to Detroit, Minneapolis, and then finally Boise. *Only* 6 hours later than planned, rather than 12 hours later.
7:35-fight back tears
7:45-8:30 wait for new flight
8:30-9 get screamed at to get out of the area as quickly as possible and watch as a bomb squad, firemen, and airport officials rush an area of the Richmond Airport
9-find out that a metal light fixture exploded and they had to make sure it wasn’t a bomb. Severe electrical burning smell makes me gag. Board plane.
11:15 am-Arrive in Detroit-surprised by how nice it is. Get lunch
1-Boarding flight to Minneapolis when everyone is told that they have to get off the plane and that we’ll be taking the plane next to us. The majority of the plane was already boarded. Oh and the new plane had a different configuration so we all had to be assigned new seats.
2-board the plane an hour late.
3 pm Central time-Land in Minneapolis, try to find a snack, not very successful.
4:30-About to board last flight home, when we’re told that boarding is delayed because a seat on the plane is broken and maintenance has to come look at it.
5-Board plane only 45 minutes late-this is an improvement!
8 pm Mountain time-arrive home! Where my checked bag has miraculously made it!
*Only* 7 hours late!!!! And *only* 18 hours of travel to get home.
I was greeted by this:

All is now well in my world.
Only 3 days to go folks!!!!
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