June 15th, 2010 — 11:02am

Many of you have asked how I’m doing with my health issues and taking time for myself with all of this stress.

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I have to tell you that I’m doing GREAT.  I pretty much follow the plan that my ND spelled out for me in February. Anytime that I try to stray from it, it spells bad news for my tummy and digestive tract.  In the past few weeks I have been a little lax about sugar, tomatoes, fruit juices, and alcohol and man can I tell!  I’m trying to stick to it to the letter because it really does make me feel SO.MUCH.BETTER.  I am NEVER lax about gluten, corn (I am oh so allergic to corn), dairy, pork, or citrus.  If I get it accidentally, it’s awful.  Pork especially 🙁

I see my ND every 2 weeks and she tweaks my supplements some but I think we’re on a good path and I’m feeling really great. Once I’m in Boise, that will drop to 1 visit per month over Skype.

Additionally, I don’t know if I mentioned it but the therapist that I started seeing back in February didn’t work out.  I went to an appointment one day feeling really low about my body image and she basically told me that I was acting crazy and then recommended I either get on Ritalin or Anti-Depressants.  She also brought up liposuction.  It was a bad bad scene.  She was great for everything EXCEPT body image and that’s what I needed help with the most. 

So…I broke up with her and got recommendations for therapists from my ND.  She recommended both a Life Coach and a therapist.  I saw both to see who I liked better and it turned out that I liked BOTH for different reasons.  I see the therapist once a week and I see the Life Coach every 3 weeks or so.

Let me tell you-they have helped SO MUCH.  I am in a better place emotionally and body wise than I have EVER been in.  My headspace is getting healthy and that makes me so happy.  We’ve been working on mothering myself and showing the care, compassion, and intuition that I use with others on myself.  I’m a very loving person and I follow my gut with other people. For myself, I’m extremely analytical and very MALE. I use almost NO intuition with myself.  I expect perfection from myself and when I can’t deliver I berate myself and tell myself that I’m a bad person.  I’m trying to find more balance in all areas of my life.  Bringing more female energy into MY head and bringing more male energy to the outside world.  This all sounds very crystals and butterflies and basically is BUT it’s HELPING and that’s what matters.

When I get up in the morning I say nice things to myself.  I say the things to myself that I wish others would say (many do but I’ve traditionally had a hard time believing them).  If I ever start talking badly about myself, I stop it right then and there and try to figure out why I’m feeling that way and reinforce that I’m really a good, beautiful person.

Instead of hating my body and fighting it, I’m learning to love it and appreciate it.  I don’t like the weight I am right now but for some reason my body thinks it needs to be this weight.  My body/mind is trying to protect me from something by keeping this weight on and I need to thank my body for trying to take care of me and just try to be the healthiest person I can be. I’m still the same weight I was a few months ago but when I look in the mirror, I see a beautiful, healthy, able body.  I really do see a different person in the mirror.  And?  I’m not going to lie-sometimes I have really bad days but they are getting fewer and further between and I haven’t self-soothed with food in I don’t know how long-months maybe?

I try stay away from the scale now and only hop on it occasionally to just check in. When we move, the scale is going down in the garage so that it’s less of a temptation for me.  Yesterday I jumped on and I saw a number that would have sent me into a tailspin a few months ago (160) and yesterday I started to have those thoughts and then said, “No, you know what, you’re feeling really great and the number on the scale doesn’t matter.  You’re doing great.”  And then?  I didn’t think about it AT ALL yesterday.  Not once.

I wrote that down in my notebook of wins!  I used to carry a notebook to note everything that I ate.  Now I carry the same notebook to write down everything that I’m doing right for myself.  It’s the win notebook and I LOVE it.

I’m working really, really, really hard on myself and I’m really proud of me for doing that.  I’ve also learned and have been working on setting better boundaries with people and that has been HUGE for me.

I do a lot of talking to myself in the mirror and maybe that makes me crazy but I feel good and that’s what counts, right?

Last therapy session, my therapist had me think of 20 thinks that I enjoy just for me and not to please anyone else.  It was a struggle to come up with 6 but we pushed through and I now have a list of 21.  Anytime I’m feeling down or negative or like I’m a “bad person” I’m supposed to stop immediately and do one of those activities.  It’s been working!!!  Guess what’s on the list?  Blogging/writing 🙂

Another huge things on the list?


My little smoothie stealer.


She downed a good quarter of it!

So there’s your answer-I’m doing really, really, really GREAT.

Thank god for telephones and Skype because I’m not done yet with my therapist or Life Coach OR ND-that’s for sure!


A Perfect Explanation

June 14th, 2010 — 8:53am

Heather’s post today is a perfect explanation of how I’ve been feeling about the blog lately.  I have been extremely busy but at the same time, I’ve also been struggling with what I want to do here and what’s healthy for me.

I’ve been doing a TON of soul searching and have plans for a revamp of what this space is once I move and I’m settled.  I KNOW I’ve lost readers while doing this soul searching but that’s okay.  My philosophy is that once I figure out what *I* want this space to be that it’ll be more genuine and attract more people.  And?  I don’t necessarily want it to be about attracting more people.  I want this to be a space where I can write and share useful information that may help people.  That’s it.  I think that’s a pretty good goal, don’t you?

So that’s the story.  I’m still thinking on it and hopefully will have A TON to write about once this move is OVAH. 

We leave in 11 days!!! And our house is about 90% packed.  WOO HOOO!

In the meantime, here’s a cut picture of Lu from a few months ago.  She wore this outfit yesterday and I can’t believe how long her hair has gotten.  Otherwise this is a perfect representation of my cute daughter from yesterday 😉


P.S. She is not happy with this move stuff. :(  Her schedule is all off and the last 2 nights she woken up screaming “AWAKE! UP! AWAKE! UP!” Both nights we went in and rocked her and she’d fall fast asleep and then as soon as we’d put her down she’d start screaming again.  On Saturday, it was 12:30 am – 1:30 am and last night it was 4 –4:20 am.  I’m tired. *yawn*



June 9th, 2010 — 10:05am

Sorry for disappearing.  Life has been more than hectic but I’m sure you’re tired of hearing that.  A HUGE project at work that I’ve been working on since February 2009 is about to launch, it’s review time at work, we’re packing, we’re getting our house ready to sell, oh and we’re moving 1000 miles away in about 2 weeks.  Add to that, everyday life things AND all the people who want to see us before we go and we’re overwhelmed to say the least.

My favorite picture of the last few weeks?


She learned to say “Cheese” while getting her picture taken and so this night she kept saying “Cheese” and I’d take a picture and then she’d say “More! More! More!”  I have about 10 pictures from that night.  One is the background on my phone and it makes me smile EVERY time I see it.

Lucy’s favorite past time? (other than Duplos):


Playing with buckles.  She LOVES to buckle herself in.  She hasn’t figured out unbuckling (yet!) thankfully.

We went camping this past weekend (our last California camping trip with our good friends and constant camping companions Josh and Parish *sadface*) and went on a beautiful hike at Pinnacles National Monument.  We saw some gorgeous flowers:

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And scenery:




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Lu was quite the trooper in the caves:


And my little Les Mis girl keeping cool:


Daddy and Lu:


And now we’re back, dealing with the bomb that is our house and trying to get organized and packed before the realtor takes pictures on Monday.  This morning Lu wanted “More bows! More bows! More bows!” and Daddy was all to happy to oblige.  He even said that the flower would look “pretty” behind her left ear.


(she wouldn’t smile because she wanted “MORE BOWS!”)

Even though it’s hectic, I do love my life!!! 

Hopefully you’ll see me again soon.  I can’t make any promises until after the end of the month-how sad and anxiety inducing is that?!?!?!


Amazing Grass

May 25th, 2010 — 8:59am

I made a smoothie today with Amazing Grass, Pomegranate Mango Amazing Meal. It made my normal, “meh” smoothie into YOM.


Why yes, that is a new Starbucks insulated cup.  It’s reusable and awesome!

In that bad boy:

-6 frozen strawberries, 5 fresh
-1 scoop Mediclear protein powder
-Half a packet of Pomegranate Mango Amazing Meal
-1 cup almond milk
-2 TBSP ground flax
-2 tsp honey

Seriously, YOM.


In 33 Days I Won’t Be Able to do This

May 23rd, 2010 — 7:51pm

Tonight I wanted Thai and Shaun and Lu wanted Sushi.  I walked downtown picked up both!

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And yes, Lu really did want sushi. As soon as Shaun mentioned sushi, Lu yelled, “Sushi! Sushi!”. So sushi it was.

I can’t believe we’re moving in 33 days!!!  We’ve been incredibly busy.  We just got back from visiting my parents and work has been insane. Our visit was so fun!

The first morning my Mom made me waffles out of Mochi. YOM!


Lu got to feed the fishies:


Pet the horsies:



Picked oranges:





Went swimming at Uncle Ben’s and Aunt Sheri’s:


Blowing bubbles:


Having fun:


Hung out with the doggies:


The next day we went to the beach (where it was incredibly windy!) and played with my oldest friend’s son Ben.  Lisa and I have been friends since we were 12!:


Isn’t Ben cute?


We went back to Mimi and Papa’s for dinner and Ben did some farming!


The kiddos played!


And then they modeled!


Ben LOVED Lucy:



Look at my girl!



And I picked up Ben and guess who HAD to be in Mommy’s arms?


We got back today around 4:30 and I’m beat.  I can’t believe I have to go to work tomorrow. It’s tiring traveling with a 20 month old-even a well-behaved one!!!


Fashion Maven

May 13th, 2010 — 10:15am

Work is still incredibly insane.  Last night I didn’t leave until after 6 and I’m usually home by 6 and cooking dinner.  No bueno!

One of the bright spots in this insanity is, of course, Lu.  She is talking more and more and letting her preferences be KNOWN.  One area that she is VERY clear about is her wardrobe.  On Monday, I tried to put on her pink sneakers and she absolutely did NOT want those.  She wanted her red Chucks.  I also tried to put on her pink Paul Frank sweatshirt and she wanted the green one.  It all totally worked together but isn’t what I would put together.


She’s also been picking out shoes for Mommy.  She’ll pick out shoes the 100% go with my outfit but that I wouldn’t necessarily pick.   They’re always a little bit more colorful than I would put on but I ALWAYS wear the ones she picks out and she loves it. 

Yesterday, I picked out her pants and shirt with some white sandals and she was ADAMANT that she wear the Chucks again but this time she wanted the PINK sweatshirt.

Check her out (this is my new favorite picture):


There’s either a Sienna Miller or Nicole Richie picture out there on the interwebs that looks JUST like this.  I can’t find it though.

She’s got style!  Poor thing is stuck with un-stylish me!  Hopefully she’ll infuse some her style into Mommy.  I could use all the help I can get!


Happy Mother’s Day!

May 10th, 2010 — 7:02pm

Here are the Lucy Masterpieces that we sent to Gram and Mimi:






Lucy did all the painting except the stems.  Mommy helped her with that.

They were a big hit!  Both for Lucy to make and for Mimi and Gram to receive!

We had Mother’s Day weekend it seemed.  We went to the zoo on Saturday and then had a more relaxed day yesterday.

At the zoo, there were Zebras!





Lucy! (Saying WOAH!)


Gorillas! (My favorite)




There was a baby gorilla but he was camera shy.

More Lucy taking it all in.




No Tigers…





Sad Polar:





The bears where the only animals that really looked sad and made me sad.

There were also, smelly penguins:


Snow Leopard!




A happy Lu and Daddy.


A cute, but blurry, picture.


Up close and personal peacock.




Come and knock on my door….(Shaun had NO clue what I was referring to when I started singing that):


Overall, it was SO fun and Lucy had a great time.  She was such a good girl. 

That night I wanted a kabob SO bad but I had meat in the fridge I had to use so I made my own.  I just threw whatever Mediterranean spice I had in the food processor and came out with this.


It was seriously YOM.  I had never roasted green beans before but I did on Saturday and they were delish!  Lu LOVED this dinner too.  She was like the bottomless pit!

Yesterday was a chill day.  I did get some presents.  “Flowers” and a handmade picture frame from Lu.


(She’s eating in that picture-QUITE appropriate)


And Shaun got me some more of my perfume.  I had just run out so it was perfect timing.


He got me the BIG bottle.  I got the smallest bottle last time and it lasted 2 years!  I be this will last me at least 3.


I wear 2 squirts of this almost every single day.  I’ve been wearing this scent since I was 18.  I did take a break from ages 22-27 when I wore Michael Kors but I went back to my old standby.  It’s gotten to the point where I can’t smell it anymore and that makes me sad-because really?  It smells like heaven.

In the afternoon we went to the park and then out to Indian food for dinner.  It was a nice day.



May 5th, 2010 — 9:23am

So work has pretty much been insane.  INSANE.  I barely have time to shove something in my mouth, nevermind taking a picture of it and blogging about it.  I hope it gets better soon but it’s better than being bored, right?

I did make some cupcakes last night for Teacher Appreciation week.  Today was “Sweet Treat” day and I made some awesome treats!


These are NOT healthy AT ALL.  They are chocolate cupcakes with a chocolate chip cookie in the middle, frosted with vanilla frosting.


They smelled heavenly and Shaun assured me that they tasted heavenly too.

All packaged up and ready to go:





May 2010 Menu

May 4th, 2010 — 11:33am



April 2010 Menu

May 4th, 2010 — 11:21am

I didn’t do an April monthly menu and BOY could you tell.  I never knew what I was making, I was unmotivated to cook and I made some disastrous dishes.  I did, actually, make some good ones too but not enough to have not learned my lesson.

May’s menu will be up shortly!

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