November 15th, 2010 — 10:49am
I’ve been a little obsessed with learning everything I can about body weight training and high intensity interval training. I’ve been on the A LOT since Friday-watching old videos, putting together exercise routines for myself, looking at form. What this means is that I’m seeing Zuzana over and over and over again. It’s kind of sad actually, I’ve been singing the words to “Oh, Susana” in a Russian-esque accent all weekend.
I digress. Anyway I’ve seen hundreds of images like this:
She’s a phenom! She’s like scary cut. Shaun actually saw a video and said, “She’s too cute for me.” My goal is not to look like her. I know that I probably could (minus the big fake boobies) but it would take a lot of sacrifices that I don’t want to make (hello carbs-I love you!). NOR do I think I need to look like that. I just want to be in good shape and feel comfortable in my body. I can tell you that I understand why she has a boob job (not that big of one though
), when I was training for the ironman, I got visible pecs under my boobies and they were not cute-AT ALL.
Anyway, I post all of this because I had something very interesting happen to me last night. I was looking at another blog that I frequent where the writer posts a lot of pictures of herself and writes about her workouts. I’ve always thought that this person is in great shape and a total inspiration. Last night though, I found myself thinking “She looks a little squishy.” “Wow she’s not cut at all.” “Did she gain weight?”
A. These are totally inappropriate thoughts to have about someone.
B. She’s the same size and shape that she’s always been. I’ve just been inundated with pictures of Zuzana and my perception is completely skewed.
This happened in 48 hours! Crazy.
Of note-I have felt REALLY GREAT about myself and have not turned those thoughts that I had about someone else onto me. That is really big deal.
I also saw someone at the gym today who had on a hat for the 2009 Boise Half Ironman. I didn’t even think twice before asking her about it. A few months ago I never would have asked her because I would have been too embarrassed by how out of shape I was. That’s just silly and I’m glad I recognize that. We had a great talk and she highly encouraged me to join the tri club at the Y. She said that it’s fantastic. I can’t wait!
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November 14th, 2010 — 4:28am
Oh man is Lucy at a fun age. Even when she does something she isn’t supposed to it’s cute.

On Thursday Lucy didn’t take a nap at daycare. On Friday, she was at my sister’s house with our sitter in the morning. I went to pick her up for naptime and the sitter said that she was REALLY tired (not surprising). I brought her home and she DID NOT want to nap. I rocked her for 10 minutes and she was still wide awake. I put her to bed and she babbled for 40 minutes. I went into her room and told her it was time to go to sleep (in my sternest voice) and rubbed her back. That seemed to help but as soon as I left the room she started babbling again. Finally at 3 (I put her down at 1:30) there was silence and I thought, “Success!”
I was working away when about 25 minutes later I hear light knocking. I ignored it thinking it was just my house making noises. About 2 minutes later I hear more knocking. I get up to go answer the front door and as I pass by Lu’s room I hear the knocking coming from HER room. I open the door and there stands my 2 year old on her stepstool in front of the door. Apparently she had been trying to get the door open. That silence? Well that was her getting out of bed (which she has never done before without either Shaun or me in the room), taking her stepstool and using it to get her blankets and books off of her shelves and then to try and open the door. Oh yes, and to get into the vaseline.
I didn’t notice at first that she was covered in clear goo. I brought her upstairs to Shaun (who was home sick) and asked him to watch her for a little bit longer so that I could finish up work. I came back upstairs and notice that she’s VERY shiny. I asked, “what’s on her?” and Shaun said, “I think it’s spit.” I go to wipe it off and know IMMEDIATELY that she had gotten into the vaseline. The picture above is after I tried to get it out. Lovely, huh? And she’s so dang proud of herself too! Luckily she only got it in one place in her room (on her rocker) and after a good bath her hair is mostly back to normal, albeit a little greasy.
In other Lu news, yesterday she told me, “Mama, behave!”
It’s a good reminder 
Food and Exercise Update
I did my first Zuzana workout on Friday and OMG, I am very sore. I’m going to get out and do a run later today and I hope that that will help the soreness. A girl can hope!
Yesterday, I went a did a big stock up grocery trip and I made hummus, pumpkin date oatmeal bars (still perfecting the recipe but they are GOOD), and raw almond butter (it is so much cheaper to do it at home, vs. buying it at the store!). It was a good day!
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