Understanding Exposure
A group of friends and I are reading the book Understanding Exposure to better our photography skills. I read the first chapter on Saturday night and was excited to play around yesterday. All of these pictures were taking on M so I figured out the aperture and shutter speed. It’s been so long since I used a manual camera that I had forgotten how to use the light meter-der! Now it’s not so hard to take pictures on M!
White Balance:
“Cloudy” with a different set-up
I was playing with my shutter speed here and thought that this was a pretty picture.
Not the best picture by any means, but I love Lu’s face.
We’re in the thick of potty training!
Lu’s lunch.
Lu’s lunch companions (I wish Mo (the doll with red hair) was in better focus).
Tofu! (Love this picture!)
Cauliflower (playing with the focus):
This is fun!!!