Tag: half ironman training

Training Plan, Week of 3/11

March 10th, 2013 — 5:47pm

12 weeks out! Ack!!! I will be focusing more on swimming this week which is hard with my shoulders.

Monday Swim: wu: 4×150 (alternate swim and kick), main: 1650 ladder, start with 275, then 250, and so on. cd: 200 easy

Tuesday: Off!

Wednesday Bike: 1 hour ride with climbing/low cadence. RPE 3-4 on flats, 7-8 on hills

Thursday Swim: wu: 200 swim, 200 kick, main: 16×50 every 1, 5, 9, 13 hardest effort with the others descending effort,  cd: 200 easy

Friday Run: 45 minutes with strides

At some point over the weekend, back to back: Easy 30 minute run, 60 min bike (alternating big and small ring every 10 minutes), 30 minute swim, RPE5

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Training Plan, Week of 3/4

March 3rd, 2013 — 3:59pm


Monday Bike: 30 min RPE 3
Monday Run: 30 min RPE 3-4

Tuesday Swim: 5×200 (50 Easy, 50 Build, 50 Easy, 50 Hard), 150 Easy 
Tuesday Bike: 30 min RPE 3

Wednesday: Off

Thursday Bike: 60 Minutes RPE 3

Friday Run: 30 minutes with strides every 5 minutes
Friday Swim: 4×300 (300 easy, 300 kick, 300 easy, 300 kick)

Saturday and Sunday: ski, ski, and ski some more.  Lu is doing ski lessons right now so Shaun and I get 3 hours of hard core skiing on Saturday and Sunday.  We did that this weekend and boy am I sore!  I would love to have my rest day be tomorrow but Lucy has a dentist appointment on Wednesday so it’ll have to be in the middle of the week.

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Training Plan-Week of 2/25/13

February 24th, 2013 — 7:50pm

14 weeks to go!

Monday Swim: wu: 4×75, main: 500 swim, 500 kick, 500 swim, 500 kick, all RPE 4, cd: 100 swim, 100 back

Tuesday Bike: 1 hour, easy
Tuesday Run: 30 minutes, RPE 3-4

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday Swim: wu: 400 continuous, main 10×100 EBEH (easy, build, easy, hard), cd, 6×25 each one easier than the last
Thursday Run: 90 minutes long run, RPE 2-3

Friday Bike: 90 minutes

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Training Plan-Week of February 11

February 10th, 2013 — 3:07pm

Well last week was a bust.  That sickness kicked my bootay.  It’s a new week, right?

Monday Run-30 Minutes, Easy

Tuesday Bike-1 hour-hills
Tuesday Swim-30 Minutes recovery swim after bike

Wednesday Swim-wu:200 continuous, main: 1×2000 at RPE 4,  cd: 4×50

Thursday Run-1 hour-strides every 10 minutes
Thursday Bike-30 minute recovery bike after run

Friday Bike-1 hour RPE 3

Saturday and Sunday-Skiing

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Training Plan-Week of 2/4

February 4th, 2013 — 6:37pm

I’m not slacking, I came down with the flu 🙁 I can’t catch a break this winter! I thought that once I got through the first year of teaching that my immune system would be awesome. Yeah, not so.

Here’s the scaled back plan for this week.

M-recover and break fever (I successfully did that!)


W-Easy Run

Th-Easy Spin

F-Easy Swim


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Training Plan-Week of 1/28

January 27th, 2013 — 10:37am

I did everything on my plan last week! I got up at 4:45 AM every morning and did it.  Even when we had freezing rain that left a half inch of ice on the roads.  I got up and went to the gym.  I was very proud of myself.

We move on to Week 18 of this plan.

Monday Run: 30 Minutes, Easy Pace, RPE 3
Monday Bike: 1 hour

Tuesday Swim: 4×500, Odds are RPE 3, Evens are RPE 5

Wednesday Run: 60 Minutes, Easy Pace, Strides starting at the 40 minute mark, and then every 5 minutes.

Thursday Bike: 1 hour Spin Class

Friday Swim: wu: 300 Continuous, slowly increasing pace every 100. main: 20 x 50, odds at RPE 4, evens at RPE 9! cd: 150 easy

Saturday: Off

Sunday: Skiing

I have my menu all planned for the week too.

 photo 27B1DEAD-EAD2-44A0-9226-DDD8F555EF64-8284-000007B698502CE3.jpg

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Training Plan-Week of 1/21

January 21st, 2013 — 12:30pm

I got sick last week and missed Thursday and Friday but I’m ready to get back to it. Up until the sickies hit, I was doing great.

I’m modifying this plan.  I’m on week 19.


Tuesday-30 Minute Run, RPE 3
1 Hour Spin

Wednesday-Swim: wu-5×50 continuous, odds are breathe every side, evens bilateral. main-2×500, 1 is RPE 4, 2 is RPE 6, cd-easy 250

Thursday-1 hour run, easy pace

Friday-Swim: wu-300, main-10×100, 2 minute interval. cd-200 alternate 50 kick, 50 swim
45 minute Spin

Saturday and Sunday: Snowshoeing, cross country skiing, downhill

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Training Plan-Week of 1/14

January 13th, 2013 — 7:23pm

I’m using a modification of this training plan. I’m on week 20.


Tuesday Run-30 Minute Run RPE 2-3
Tuesday Bike-1 Hour Spin Class

Wednesday Swim-wu: 4 x 75, last 25 in each is backstroke, main: 3 x 400, 1 is RPE 3, 2 is RPE4, 3 is RPE 5, cd: 150 easy

Thursday Run-60 minutes long run, easy pace. RPE starting at 2, finish at 3

Friday Swim-wu: 400 continuous, last 50 in each 100 is kick
main: 8 x 100 EBEH (each 100 = 25Easy, 25Build, 25Easy, 25 Hard)
cd: 6 x 25, each slower than last
Friday Bike-1 Hour Spin Class

Saturday and Sunday-Snowshoeing/Cross Country Skiing/Downhill Skiing

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