Ain’t Gonna Stop Me!!!

I don’t have any pictures and I was going to let that stop me from blogging today but then I decided to just write.

I’m feeling 90% better.  I think I may sleep in one more day before getting back on the exercise wagon.  Maybe I’ll do some core exercises tonight?  Who knows.

I ate some sugar today and ick it made me feel so ill 🙁 I had two little slivers of pastries from Starbucks and about 15 minutes later I realized that it was a bad idea.

Food today:

B: Protein Shake

S: Those damn pastries, persimmon, nuts

L: Whole Paycheck salad

S: Larabar

D: ?? We were supposed to do lefovers tonight but Shaun ate it ALL last night and the night before was a miserable failure so I have to figure it out.

I always read how protein shakes aren’t good because you don’t realize you’re taking in calories since your drinking them and all that jazz.  I have to say that I completely disagree.  Protein shakes are always a good choice for me for breakfast and I always feel satiated.  Take that weight loss experts! 😛

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