Sugar RUSH!

I was craving dark chocolate after lunch today and I didn’t have any.  I ate a fun sized Twix bar and almost immediately I felt a sugar rush and I started shaking.  It was scary!  It wasn’t a good feeling at all.  I think I need to make sure I have some good dark chocolate at work so that I don’t make that mistake again.

I’ve been working on a project for behind our couch.  It’s bare right now and I’ve wanted to put pictures of Lu up there since she was born.  I’m determined to do it this weekend.  I want to do a bunch of different sized black and white pictures in black frames, kinda like a collage but with picture frames.  I have some professional photos that I’m going to put up there but I also have some that we took.  It’s been a real trip down memory lane.

daddy reading black and white by you.

That was one of our first nights home from the hospital.  This picture always makes me tear up.  Shaun wasn’t read to as a child and he proactively went and got a book to read to her.  I love my husband 🙂

Look at this one:

sucking thumb black and white by you.

That’s after her first bath.  She looks like a little old man.

Here’s another bath photo:

Black and White First Bath by you.

Sigh.  I try not to get too sad about how fast she’s growing up because every stage is so fun and great.  I don’t want to be one of those people who is continually sad that the past is past and always looking to the future.  I want to be happy in the moment!  Sometimes it’s hard but I think I’ve gotten much better since having Lucy.

Last night we were home and I was doing something on my phone and not really paying attention to her and I thought “what am I doing?” I put the phone away and we played and danced and sang until it was time for bed.  It was so fun and it made us both giggle. She really makes me so happy.

Another thing that I’ve been trying not to do is obsess about my weight. I’m not doing such a great job of that.  My friend said “we’re doing this to feel better about ourselves, now to make ourselves feel bad.” I need to remind myself of that EVERYDAY.  It’s been 5 weeks now of me REALLY trying and I’m doing GREAT.  I’m eating whole foods, I’m not over-indulging, I’m working out, I’m cooking more.  Like most, I berate myself for small little hiccups (like a fun sized Twix) but in the grand scheme of things, I’m doing a really great job!  I’m healthy and I’m teaching Lucy great eating habits.  I’m not eating crap all day.  In fact, I’m not eating crap hardly AT ALL.  I’ve lost 5 pounds and that’s nothing to turn my nose up at.  I just wish I was at my goal NOW.  I doubt I’ll wake up tomorrow 26 pounds lighter 😉

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