12 Drummers, Drumming!

Did you see The Office last night?  That last scene was incredibly sweet.  It has been SO cringe worthy the last few weeks.  Last night’s BEST SCENE was when Jim got Kelly the Twilight poster.  I nearly lost it.

Anyway. Yay it’s Friday.  It’s going to be rainy here all weekend but at least it’s the weekend!  Lucy was too cute this morning.  She loves to help out and she thought that she could help by carrying my purse/camera bag to the car:



She dragged it pretty far before she let me trade her for my umbrella.  So cute. :x Don’t worry she did get a jacket before we went outside.

In other news I’m getting a haircut today!  I’m trying a new place and I’m a bit nervous.  I’ve been paying WAY too much for my hair.  I’m a bit embarrassed actually by how much I’ve been paying.  I have really hard hair to cut and I found someone who could do it but her prices just kept going up.  When I first started going to her it was $110-which is RIDICULOUS for a haircut but I rationalized that since I don’t color my hair, it was okay to pay more for a really good cut.  Well the last year or so her price has been $147.  Add a 20% tip to that and I’ve been paying $175 for a HAIRCUT :-o Ridiculous.  I DO NOT have that kind of money.  Add to that, the fact that I’ve been EXTREMELY unhappy with my hair for the last 3 cuts.  That’s 5 months of hating my hair at $175 a pop for a grand total of $525.  That makes me a little ill.  Here’s my hair this morning:


Ugh that does not look like $175 hair.  I don’t even know what $175 hair looks like but that is not it.  I really hope that this new lady is good because I DO have really difficult hair to cut.  This place is right around the corner from my work and there are over 200 reviews on Yelp and they have 4.5 stars.  The girl I’m going to has FABULOUS reviews, so I’m hopeful.  The only negative for her according to Yelpsters? She’s expensive at $60 a pop.  I literally laughed hysterically.

Enough of that.  Onto CHRISTMAS!  I am usually the BIGGEST scrooge.  I used to LOVE Christmas but ever since adulthood hit I’ve basically despised it.  I won’t get into why here BUT having Lu has completely changed that.  I’ve been listening to Christmas music, I’ve decorated, my Christmas shopping is done, my Christmas menu is planned, and yesterday I bought my first poinsettia!


It’s so pretty!  And Shaun even exclaimed and liked it (he’s usually not into things like this).  It really gives the room a nice feeling. Yay!

Lastly, Shaun and I stayed up WAY too late last night.  This necessitated a trip to Starbucks this morning.  I don’t think I was the only one who stayed up too late.  Check it out:


It was seriously packed.  I am enjoying my Tall Soy Eggnog Latte though.  I only allow myself one once a season since they are so full of sugar but it was worth it this morning.  Now I’m a little hyper.  Off to burn that energy off working!

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