Just Hangin’ with My Homie


Lu has pink eye šŸ™ So we are just chilling out at home until her eye drops do their work. No germ spreading here!  She is VERY serious about her food.


I decided to join in on the Cheerios action this morning.  You get a lot of Cheerios for 100 calories!


And, surprisingly, there is no HFCS.  Yes, thereā€™s sugar but no HFCS.


Iā€™ve seen a lot worse.

In looking at the label I was shocked to find that they have a specific serving size for ā€œChildren Under 4ā€ 3/4s a cup vs. 1 cup.


Do you think thatā€™s General Mills way of ā€œfightingā€ childhood obesity?

In fact, according to this article, the FDA has specific rules for labels for foods for children under 4.

ā€¦the labels for foods for children under 4 cannot show how the amounts of some nutrients correspond to Daily Values – recommended daily intakes. The reason is because Daily Values for some nutrients, such as fat, fiber and sodium, have not been established for children under 4. This is because current dietary recommendations do not specify appropriate levels for young children. FDA has set Daily Values only for vitamins, minerals and protein for this age group because the National Academy of Sciences has established appropriate levels of these nutrients for this age group in the Recommended Dietary Allowances. FDA incorporated those recommendations in the Daily Values.

Wow, you learn something new everyday.

To completely change the subject šŸ™‚ Iā€™ve been doing a ton of thinking lately about my weight.  It is not changing and Iā€™m frustrated. I know that I need to just need to eat less.  I find though that I feel entitled to be satiated at every moment.

I think this stems from 3 things. 

1. Training for the Ironman. When I was training for the Ironman, I had to eat and keep my calories up-it was essential to good training and taking care of my body.

2. Pregnancy and nursing. I followed up eating for an Ironman to eating for a baby.  Itā€™s pretty essential not to be hungry when youā€™re preggers or nursing. You shouldnā€™t stuff yourself but you should try to lose weight either.

3. Food Blogs. I read a lot of food blogs and they all give themselves treats almost (if not) everyday. The difference between them and me? None of them are trying to lose 30 pounds.  They are all either right at or maybe just above where they want to be body wise so they can afford to eat a treat (or 2 or 3) everyday.  I canā€™t.

When I was successful for weight loss there were many times when I thought I was hungry or wanted something else but I didnā€™t eat it because I was at my calories for the day. You know what? I didnā€™t die. Maybe I wasnā€™t completely satiated but I sure as hell didnā€™t die and I did lost weight.  I need to get back in that mindset again.

Right now Iā€™m trying to net 1500 calories-meaning that if I burn 300 calories that day-I eat 1800 calories for a net of 1500 calories. All too often now, Iā€™ll be at 1500 net calories for the day and Iā€™ll want dessert.  Rather than not having it because Iā€™m at my calorie limit for the day, Iā€™ll just eat it because ā€œI deserve it.ā€ Yeah, that needs to stop and needs to stop now.

When youā€™re trying to lose weight, do you find yourself hungry?

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