Insomnia or Getting Sick?
I fell asleep by 10 last night but had to get up at 12:45 to use the bathroom. I didn’t fall back asleep until after 3 🙁 Yesterday I felt really achy and my throat hurt and it wasn’t much better this morning. I don’t know if it’s the lack of sleep or if I’m coming down with something BUT when the alarm went off at 5:30, I made the wise decision to sleep for another hour. I’ll today as my day off and go to the gym tomorrow.
I made a nutrient packed juice concoction this morning just in case I am coming down with something.
I used 2 carrots, 1/2 apple, 4 leaves of kale, peppers (full of vitamin C), and a meyer lemon. It was seriously delicious. I know it doesn’t look yummy, but it was!
It is coming down out there and I had to drive today :( It took me 30 minutes longer than normal. It’s a coworkers birthday and I volunteered to pick up his cake-there’s a trip to Whole Foods in my future.
My lunch bag:
Is full of yummy food today.
Leftover Beet Burgers, a few fries, and leftover carrot ginger soup. Oh and some cuties. I forgot to grab yogurt but I figure I can pick something up for myself when I go get the cake. I won’t be able to eat the cake because of the dairy but I was thinking of getting some coconut ice cream-we shall see 🙂
What do you do when you think you may be coming down with something? And, any tricks for insomnia?
Category: Uncategorized 9 comments »
For insomnia I used to take some melatonin and also some valerian root if it was really bad. The melatonin really helps. It is natural. Also you could try reading before bed that sometimes helps too.
i got nothing for insomnia, but when i start getting sick i drink a TON of water and tea, sleep as much as i can, and really only eat hot soups. hope you feel better!
First, let me say those beet burgers look fantastic!!! There is a restaurant chain called Houstons that makes the best veggie burgers I have tasted and they too use beets and brown rice! YUM.
Fingers crossed you are not coming down with something. When I get sick, ironically, it is sleep that usually helps me fight it! I work really hard to make sure I get at least seven hours a night and usually get eight. Can you get a massage? Or when you get your pedicure can you have some reflexology thrown in for good measure? Might help break the pattern of insomnia. Feel better!
if you find a cure let me know. I am the worst sleeper of all time. Ughh.
I sip hot tea and READ when I’m having trouble falling alseep – but I usually choose a boook of poetry — the last thing you want is getting absorbed in a novel you can’t put down!
I hear ya sista. Insomnia BITES! I have tried to come to terms with it as of late. I will read instead of just stare at the ceiling…
I get to nap in the day though–more power to you workin’ women. Hope your not getting sick.
Donna-I’m picking some up at the store TODAY!
Jennifer-My goal is always 7 or more hours but my stupid brain thinks otherwise 🙁 I like your massage and reflexology idea though!
Shannon-reading does help, that’s what I did last night-poetry bores me to death so that may be a good idea.
Jill-I had the WORST pregnancy insomnia but at least I had something to look forward to. Gah, this is just awful.
i read, too. something with small type. 🙂
That smoothie looks awesome! I think you did the right thing staying in bed for that extra hour – the gym can wait!
I’d avoid tea before bed as an insomnia aid – but that’s just a personal recommendation as I find this only leads to ‘toilet insomnia’!