September 22nd, 2011 — 6:00am
I cannot believe that you are 3! It seems like just yesterday I was holding you in that hospital bed staring lovingly at your face.
What a year this has been little one! You’ve become little miss personality and smarty pants! Holy moly (one of your favorite expressions) you never cease to amaze Daddy and I. You LOVE to sing, ride your bike, play with Tessa, SWING ALL BY YOURSELF on the big kid swing!, love your ABCs, you are scarily good at math, you love to camp, to read, and to play with your baby dolls. You also LOVE to eat! Especially blueberries, raspberries, and frozen peas (yes, you eat them frozen and get really upset when they thaw). I love you more than words can describe.
A look back at the year, in pictures:
September 2010-your 2nd birthday:

October, at the zoo:

Cabo in November:

And then SNOW!

December, getting out Christmas Tree:

January, at the Library!

February, Tessa’s Birthday:

March, striking a pose for Mommy:

Easter in April:

Camping in May:

Disneyland in May:

LA in June:

PA in July:

Camping in July:

Fireworks in July!

Fresh Veggies in August!

My almost 3 year old in September:

You just woke up and said, “I was 2 yesterday and today I’m THREE!”
Smarty pants indeed.
You take my breath away every day:

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September 17th, 2011 — 8:22pm
Monday: Green Curry Shrimp
Tuesday: Crock Pot Apple Sauce Chicken, Brown Rice, Veggies
Wednesday: Lamb and Tofu Kabobs, Quinoa Salad, Veggies
Thursday: Out to dinner for Lu’s 3rd birthday
Friday: Dinner at Lissa’s
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September 13th, 2011 — 8:50pm
…is the hardest and most demanding job I’ve ever had. Thankfully, it’s the most rewarding too.
Here’s a glimpse at a normal day for me:
6:30-7-wake up (5 if going to bikram)
8-leave house
8:15-drop Lu off at daycare (in a week this step goes away!)
8:30-arrive at school, prep for morning
9-9:20-opening at school (pledge, roll, alphabet song, etc). Whole class, 16, 4 year olds
9:20-10-teach phonics/reading to my group (8 students)
10-10:20 recess (I’m usually chasing kids playing tag, pushing the tire swing, or helping with the monkey bars)
10:20-10:30 snack for kiddos (make sure they are being responsible while cleaning up from phonics)
10:30-11:10 math with 8 students (same 8 as phonics)
11:10-11:30-teach music/dance/drama for whole class. focus on getting the wiggles out-lots of dance and then a felt story
11:30-12-supervise lunch
12-12:45-supervise nap/prep for afternoon
12:45-1:15 eat lunch
1:15-1:40 finish prepping for the afternoon
1:40-1:45 prep snack
1:45-2 get kiddos up from nap
2-2:10 logic and Spanish
2:10-2:20 supervise snack
2:20-2:50 supervise recess
2:50-3:20 Teach Science and Art to the entire class (teach things like the cephalathorax on a spider and how to draw/paint it)
3:20-3:40 teach music/dance/drama-more focus on learning songs but still get the wiggles out
3:40-4:10 teach and supervise craft
4:10-4:40 supervise recess
4:40-5 read books and stories, play indoor games
5-6 table games and play for kiddos, prep for the next day for me.
6 drive home
6:20 frantically make dinner
6:50/7 eat dinner
7:30-8 either put Lu to bed or clean kitchen (alternate nights with Shaun)
8-8:30 make lunches/breakfast/food for next day
8:30-10 finish any school prep, catch up on email, computer time/chores
10-whenever-try to fall asleep
So yeah, I’m tired. But happy! I can’t wait for the 26th when Lu will be at school with me. I miss her!
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