I can’t believe the weekend is over already. It seemed to zoom by!
I had a pretty great day today. It started with sleeping in until 8:30-ahhhhh! And then I had some toast to fuel up for a run.
GF bread, homemade almond butter, all fruit apricot jam.
Then I went on a 4 mile run. I ran the entire way without stopping and it still took me 57 minutes. HA! That run used to take me 36 minutes or less. Oh what 3 years and a baby will do to you. I felt great though and I did do a 5 mile hike yesterday. I realized that ever since the Ironman, I’ve either been trying to get pregnant, been pregnant, or had Lucy. It’s time to put the baby excuse behind me and get running!
I decided on my run to train for a race. It’s really the only thing that keeps me motivated and I’m ready to be motivated. I decided to do a half marathon and I found one in Boise on 10/10/10. I’m really excited! Want to hear something utterly silly? I kept thinking to myself “a half marathon is NOTHING. It’s not enough. I might as well not race.” How silly is that thought? My last race was an Ironman and there’s no where to go but down from one of those…well unless you do an Ultraman or whatever that crazy race is called. So I got over my “half marathon is not enough” mentality and I’m doing a race! I’m hoping to do it in my new Vibram FiveFingers but learning to run (almost) barefoot is quite a challenge and takes a good 5 months to work up to any distance. We’ll see if I can do 13.1 miles in them come October!
After my run, I had some honeydew and nuts to tide me over until lunch.
I took a shower, threw some laundry in and then headed to Whole Foods for lunch and this weeks groceries.
I ate this sitting outside in the beautiful weather:
And another view:
It was delish! I have a new addiction to green olives. SO good. I also LOVE hummus on my salad-and you can’t forget that roasted garlic.
I got all my groceries for the week. I tried to spend $100 and sadly I went $20 over. When everything is organic, grass fed, and gluten free, it gets expensive! Over $40 of that is in meat alone. I REALLY wish my hubby could eat a meal without meat and be satiated. It’s never happened and I don’t foresee it happening anytime in the future.
I did get some coconut water as a treat before leaving the store:
After the grocery store we went to the park. Lu was very interested in playing with her helmet but not wearing it. So no bike riding for her 🙁

After the park we dropped off some of our pots at a friends house-terra cotta pots aren’t really something you want to move!
We also stopped at Safeway to get Shaun some potato salad for this week’s lunch. Lu and I stayed in the car and she learned her newest word “Peek-A-Boo!” Too cute 😉
Once we got home, Shaun took a nap and Lu and I played Legos. Lu has become QUITE the Lego builder. She used to only make towers but she made a house and a car tonight-no joke! She’s talented. I also did some research on learning to run barefoot and then I made some almond milk!
I had originally planned to teach Shaun how to make chicken, rice, and veggies for dinner-I’m going to be giving him cooking lessons on some easy dinners so that I can have a break once in awhile. We forgot though, that he had a dinner to go to tonight to celebrate his race. So off he went to that and Lu and I ate a pretty simple dinner.
Rice, pinto beans, mung beans, roasted cauliflower, avocado, and Tapatio! Lu did not have Tapatio but instead had butter on hers. YAY good fat!
After I put her to bed, I made some granola bars for the week.
I have been MISSING these.
I also made some Cilantro Jalapeño Hummus.
I finished up the night with a scoop of fruit sweetened soy ice cream.
Covered in crumbled granola bar:
And now it’s time for bed. 5:30 wake-up in the morning!