Tag: Bucket list

Bucket List-Day 15-17

June 17th, 2012 — 7:34pm

I’m home from vacation and all my visitors have left so I can get back on schedule with writing every day!

Bucket List:

1. Write a book
2. Own an actual house with a yard (NOT a condo!)
3. Get to 20% body fat
4. Bike Tour
5. Be totally debt free!
6. Tour Hawaii in a VW Vanagon
7. Visit France, Italy, and Spain
8. Have a real summer vacation-no working summer school!
9. Visit ALL of America’s National Parks (I’ve hit 9 of the 58)
10. Work a summer in Yellowstone.
11. See a moose!
12. See Yellowstone in the winter.
13. Visit all 50 States (I’m up to 15-ha!)
14. Ride in a hot air balloon.
15. Ride the Idaho City Tour with Shaun-50 Mile Mountain Bike Ride
16. Take a helicopter ride.
17. Learn to juggle.

#15 was on my bucket list last year after Shaun did it and guess what?  I did it this weekend!  I rode ~50 miles on dirt roads and single track on my mountain bike.  It was super fun and I DID IT!!!! My brother, sister-in-law, 17 year old nephew, Shaun, and I all did it together and I want to do it again Smile

Summer School starts tomorrow!!!

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Bucket List-Day 9-14

June 14th, 2012 — 9:53pm

I’m back but now family is visiting. We had an EPIC trip that I’ll talk more about later. Not surprisingly, my additions are pretty much all related to our trip.

Bucket List:

1. Write a book
2. Own an actual house with a yard (NOT a condo!)
3. Get to 20% body fat
4. Bike Tour
5. Be totally debt free!
6. Tour Hawaii in a VW Vanagon
7. Visit France, Italy, and Spain
8. Have a real summer vacation-no working summer school!
9. Visit ALL of America’s National Parks (I’ve hit 9 of the 58)
10. Work a summer in Yellowstone.
11. See a moose!
12. See Yellowstone in the winter.
13. Visit all 50 States (I’m up to 15-ha!)
14. Ride in a hot air balloon.

Shaun declared something on his ANTI-Bucket List (meaning he NEVER EVER wants to do it)-touring Yellowstone on a motorcycle. He says it would be all around miserable. Since I have NO desire to ride a motorcycle EVER, I’ll have to agree with him 😉

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Bucket List-Day 8

June 8th, 2012 — 8:11pm

Bucket List:

1. Write a book
2. Own an actual house with a yard (NOT a condo!)
3. Get to 20% body fat
4. Bike Tour
5. Be totally debt free!
6. Tour Hawaii in a VW Vanagon
7. Visit France, Italy, and Spain
8. Have a real summer vacation-no working summer school!


I’m done! One (jam packed) week until summer school starts.

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Bucket List-Day 7

June 7th, 2012 — 7:47pm

Bucket List:

1. Write a book
2. Own an actual house with a yard (NOT a condo!)
3. Get to 20% body fat
4. Bike Tour
5. Be totally debt free!
6. Tour Hawaii in a VW Vanagon
7. Visit France, Italy, and Spain

Today was the first of two circus days at school. All the teachers have to dress up as clowns and the kiddos can dress up however they like. My clown interpretation was quite Santa Cruz inspired :). Lucy was a very sweet butterfly ballerina <3. Tomorrow is the LAST day of school!!! 20120607-214704.jpg




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Bucket List-Day 5

June 5th, 2012 — 8:08pm

I almost forgot! Tonight’s post will be short since I’m so tired.

Bucket List:

1. Write a book
2. Own an actual house with a yard (NOT a condo!)
3. Get to 20% body fat
4. Bike Tour
5. Be totally debt free!

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Bucket List-Day 4

June 4th, 2012 — 6:49pm

We are a bike riding family.  Shaun bikes to work almost every day-even when it’s 15 flipping degrees out!  I’ve been riding my bike to work twice a week lately and we ride as a family every weekend.  Heck, we have 9 bikes between the 3 of us and Shaun wants another one.

The idea of touring a country or an area on bike is incredibly intriguing to me.  Whether it be Italy, France, the United States (or just part of the United States), Thailand, where ever, I’d like to do a bike tour.  I think that it would be awesome to do as a family but at the very least, I’d like to do it with Shaun before we die.  I think it would be an amazing way to see certain locals and I hope that I’ll be able to make this dream a reality someday.

Bucket List:

1. Write a book
2. Own an actual house with a yard (NOT a condo!)
3. Get to 20% body fat
4. Bike Tour


I pushed it really hard in bootcamp today and I can feel it tonight! At the end of every bootcamp we all gather in a circle and “break it down”.  The trainer calls out someone for doing a kick ass job and that person gets to lead the group by saying “Own it on 3. 1-2-3!” and then everyone says “OWN IT!”  It’s very sports team like not cult like (which is the way it sounds).  Anyway, I have NEVER gotten called out to “break it down” which is something that I was quite bitter about.  TODAY that all changed! I got to break it down-YAY!

Oh and check out what Lu insisted on wearing to school today:

She didn’t take it off once.

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Bucket List-Day 3

June 3rd, 2012 — 6:42pm

Day 3 of the Bucket List and I have all sorts of ideas floating around in my head.

The one I chose is one that may sound vain or may sound like more of a goal but it is definitely on my bucket list and one that I am currently working on.  During our move, I let my goal get a little buried but I think by putting it out there it will motivate me again.

Before I started training for the Ironman in 2007 my body fat was 22%, according to the Bod Pod.  I’m sure that I gained body fat while training for the Ironman to help me sustain the 140 miles I did in 13 hours.  After the Ironman we pretty quickly started trying to get pregnant and my body fat just went up from there. The after Lucy body fat is basically chronicled in this blog Winking smile.  According to the scale at the gym (the kind where you stand on the metal sensors and hold onto sensors-which I know is not very accurate) my body fat is sitting at 27% right now.  My goal is to get down to 20%. Twenty percent is where you see muscle definition without flexing. That’s where I’d like to be and that’s where I’d like to maintain.

So even though it’s sort of vain, that’s #3.

Bucket List:

1. Write a book
2. Own an actual house with a yard (NOT a condo!)
3. Get to 20% body fat


Today started with a great 10 mile mountain bike ride with Shaun.  He said that today was, by far, my best mountain biking day. Exciting stuff!

Here’s some pictures near the top of where we rode to:


This afternoon Megan, Luke, Porter, and Tessa (we’re baby sitting) came over for dinner.  We hung out in the backyard in the shade.  It was a hot one today but in the shade it was just right.  All the kids played so well together-it couldn’t have been a more perfect night. Lu and Tessa got in our gargantuan bath tub which Tessa insisted on calling a “pool”.  She did her kicker and strokers and even decided to pee-HA!

One more week of school!


I took an iPhone video tour of our house.  I don’t feel comfortable just putting it out there for the whole interweb to see, but if you’d like to see them (there are 3 for the 3 levels), email me and I’ll send you the links.

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Bucket List-Day 2

June 2nd, 2012 — 8:10pm

Bucket List:

1. Write a book
2. Own an actual house with a yard (NOT a condo!)


Today felt like summer! It was so nice and we packed a bunch of fun stuff in.  Lucy and I went to the Farmer’s Market where I loaded up on a few weeks worth of meat.  I LOVE being able to get local, grass fed, and humanly raised meat.

I consigned some clothes and shoes that I know I’ll never wear.  I’m shocked at how cheaply things get priced.  I know I should do my shopping in consignment stores but I’m afraid that I’ll come out of there looking worse than I already do.  I’m desperately trying to develop a style but I just don’t know how. If anyone has some tips, I’m all ears!

This afternoon we went to a 2 year old’s birthday party.  There was a jump house and Lu LOVED it.  She didn’t want to come home.  I guess we know what her next birthday will look like!

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June Challenge-Bucket List

June 1st, 2012 — 11:41pm

Megan inspired me to create a bucket list! I was just lamenting that I had let this thing die but didn’t know how to jump back in. So I’m going to try!

Some things I’ve already marked off the ‘ol bucket list:

-married my best friend
-gave birth to one wonderful little girl
-therefore I’m a Mom! (and a good one, I think)
-moved across the country (twice!) and ultimately tossed everything I knew out the window for a better, simpler, more family oriented life in Boise.
-completed an Ironman (almost 5 years ago!!!)
-became a teacher
-finished a Bikram 60 in 60
-bought and completely updated a house
-this is a silly one to put on a bucket list but I’m proud of it-we’re debt free except for my student loan (and working on that one)

I’ll follow Megan’s criteria for this bucket list:

My criteria for adding items to the list are simple.
-Each item must be something that can be solidly accomplished and documented, no touchy-feely goals for this list.
-A new item must be added every single day and posted on this blog. (caveat-I may not be able to update everyday while in Yellowstone-but I’ll still create them and update the blog at the end of the week.)
-Ideas can be crazy and far fetched, but must have the potential to be accomplished in this lifetime.

Bucket List
1. Write a book

On the “me” front, things are going really well. I’ve got 1 week left of school and then we’re on vacation in Yellowstone (don’t try to break into my house, I have a very loud and effective alarm-my husband “tests” it quite frequently)! At the end of vacation Shaun, my brother, SIL, 17 year old nephew, and I will be doing a 50 mile mountain bike ride from Boise to Idaho City.

I’ve been training for that by mountain biking with my hubby on the weekends and pulling Lucy in the trailer to school twice a week (14 miles a day, 28 miles a week plus whatever Shaun and I do). I’m still doing my bootcamp MWF. After I’ve completed the ride, I plan to join a cheap gym to get access to weights to continue the hardcore lifting I was doing (and loving). I’ll probably try to ride my bike to school one day a week still because Lu absolutely loves it. Oh and I officially fit in most of my Pre-Lucy clothing. Yippee!

After my vacation, summer school starts. I found out today that I’ll be teaching Kindergarten this summer! For the summer, I’ll no longer be “Miss Chelsea” but will be “Mrs. Titus”. I’m really excited for the new challenge.

On the Lucy front. She’s awesome and gets more awesome everyday. There’s no more baby in her -except maybe her totally kissable cheeks. She’s a full on KID, like woah! She has a great sense of humor, she’s reading one vowel words, she’s working on mastering the monkey bars, and she’s counting to 100! She is loving the new house. She plays independently for large chunks of time outside on her “playground” or upstairs in her playroom. She LOVES to play school and is constantly drilling us or practicing her writing on her “magna noodle” or white board. Since her third birthday, she’s gone from a shy little girl to a girl who has no problem talking to people, asking their names, and being inquisitive (while hopefully still being polite!). I fully attribute this to Challenger. I knew when I went to observe the program that she would thrive. I’m glad I was right!

I’ve written this whole post on my phone. Let’s see if I can include some pictures.

In the mix is Lucy’s big girl room, Lucy before her Spring Performance, Lucy in the bath, Shaun and me on my Mother’s Day ride, Shaun and Lu cuddling on the couch <3. 20120602-013720.jpg






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